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Undated 12 Month Planner (Hardcover)


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Having a Planner is vital  if you’re looking for a more organized life and relaxed mind. It acts as your personal secretary in scheduling your day and reminding you about “urgent” stuff you need to take care of.

This Undated 12 Month Planner Will Do Just That..

Key feature of this Undated 12 Month Planner:

  1. Variety: You can choose the one with the Paperback cover or this Hardcover one.
  2. Durable: Strong and durable cover.
  3. Efficient: Undated planner to give you the flexibility of using it anytime of the year for 12 calendar months onward. Not only that, you can also use it for more than 12 calendar months if you didn’t need to plan for a month or more (like going into long vacation, or procrastinated using it for few months, etc.).
  4. Simple: It’s black and white to give you the freedom to color it in your own way and style.
  5. User friendly: Easy to use.
  6. Portable: It’s 7X10 inch planner for easier portability to use it anywhere you go.
  7. Practical: Based on recommendations from time management experts and day-to-day applications
  8. Energizing: It’s packed with self Coaching and quotes.
  9. Agile: Makes you ready to go and improve later.
  10. Iterative: It has weekly and monthly reflections to identify opportunities for improvements onward.

What this Planner contains:

  1. Life Framework: To capture your purpose, vision, values and principles, focus areas, and goals and projects.
  2. Monthly Goals View: Undated 12 months placeholder to visualize year long goals.
  3. Monthly Planner: Blank month and year + Numbered 31 days placeholders (days to be filled) + Quote + Sections for Priorities, Habits to track, and Notes.
  4. Self Coaching: Beginning of each month to kick start your Mental WellBeing.
  5. Weekly Planner: Beginning of each week including undated 7 days (Sun-Sat) + priorities + Habits tracker + Skills & Learning to do.
  6. 7 Days View: Across 2 pages + “All Day Events” section for day but not time specific events or information + 6am-12am slots + “Tasks” section for day but not time specific tasks
  7. Weekly Reflection: End of each week.
  8. Monthly Reflection: End of each month.

When to buy this Undated 12 Month Planner Notebook?

  1. If you don’t have or looking for a physical planner to schedule meetings, events, and tasks.
  2. If you like the idea of having different planner views which are annual, monthly, weekly, and daily.
  3. If you’re looking for an undated planner to use it anytime in the year and make most use of pages.
  4. If you need some coaching while planning by using the self coaching and reflections sections.

Get it Now and Start Planning Your Life The Right Way.


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