When we talked about “What is Wellbeing?”, we said that it should be integrated and worked on as one big unit.
I even shared with you that I call it the Wellbeing Body sometimes instead of Wellbeing Toolkits, because they represent one body (mental=head, physical=right leg, finance=left leg, social=right hand, emotional=heart, spiritual=left hand)
In this article and the ones to come, we’ll see how each wellbeing dimension interact with the other(s). This is where all the MAGIC happens!!
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General Rule
The rule in general is:
The better Mental Wellbeing = Better thinking = Better decisions = Doing the Right Things, the Right Way.
This is a direct proportional relationship as you can see, so The more, The More, and The Less, The Less
So, by having a good functioning mental wellbeing, you’ll be able to do the right things in each dimension:
In the physical wellbeing, the right thing(s) will be to eat right for example, to exercise often, to sleep better, to take care of your posture while working.
For financial wellbeing it’ll be managing money right, creating a saving fund, refrain from spending on useless stuff, etc
For social wellbeing it’ll be strengthening social network, working on your communication and listening skills.
For emotional wellbeing it’ll be learning how to deal with your and others emotions right, what to do to be happy, how to pursue your passion, etc.
For the Spiritual wellbeing, it’ll be to have a purpose, goals, values, etc.
With that being said, let’s look at each relationship closely for the any cause and effect relationship between mental wellbeing and other dimensions
Mental and Physical wellbeing
This is an inextricable relationship. If you have good mental wellbeing, then you’ll prioritize your physical wellbeing and if you have a good physical wellbeing, you’ll be boosting your mental wellbeing.
Causal Relation: Mental on Physical
Mindset: Having the right mindset (mental), will strengthen your persistence to continue with your health projects (physical) when you fall off your habits for a while
Productivity: If you’re being productive (mental), then you’ll be able to manage the health related projects you need (physical), instead of complaining about “not have enough time”
Stress Management: Stress (mental) impact your health (physical) indirectly by leading to overeating or eating less, or oversleeping or sleeping less. Or it can be directly by causing diseases like ulcers, and heart attacks.
So being able to manage stress (mental), helps with minimizing if not eliminating those health side effects (physical)
Learning: The more you learn and apply (mental), the more likely you’ll be choosing and applying the right strategies when it comes to taking care of your health (physical)
Effect Relation: Physical on Mental
Mindset: The healthier you are (physical), the more likely you’ll embrace the right mindset.
Productivity: The healthier you are (physical), the more productive you are (mental), as you can prioritize better, focus more, and do more.
Stress Management: The healthier you are (physical), the more immune you are to developing (mental) diseases like stress or depression.
Learning: The healthier you are (physical), the better your mind is when learning and memorizing (mental)
Mental and Financial wellbeing
This is a bi-directional relationship with more on the Causal side than the Effect one. The General rule applies and below are specific relationships
Causal effect: Mental on Financial.
Mindset: Having the right mindset (mental) is one of the ingredients you need to achieve your (financial) goals.
Productivity: Being productive (mental) gives you the freedom and control to create alternative or additional income projects. That’s why I’m able to gain additional income to my primary job (which I still love) because I know how to be productive
Stress Management: Learning how to cope with stress (mental), saves time lost in being sick, and money spent on treatments or lost during absence, and enables you to work better and gain more (financial)
Learning: The more you learn and apply (mental), the better income strategies and decisions you’ll choose to reach your (financial) goals.
Effect Relation: Financial On Mental
Stress Management: The better (financial) status you have, the lesser chances you’ll be faced with stress (mental). Money isn’t the only stressor, but it is a big one, so minimizing or eliminating that is a big win.
Mental and Social wellbeing
Unlike the relation with Financial wellbeing, Social wellbeing has a bi-directional relationship with Mental wellbeing, with more on the effect side.
Causal Relation: Mental on Social
Social Wellbeing in a community is the sum of individuals mental wellbeing. That’s why, having good mental wellbeing for the majority of individuals increases the chances of having a good quality interactions between one another. (1)
Learning: The more you learn and apply (mental), the more knowledgeable you are on communication with others (social)
Effect Relation: Social on Mental
The more (social) you are, the less likely you’ll have (mental) diseases like anxiety or depression
The more (social) you are, the more likely you happy (emotional), which leads to being energetic to be more productive (mental)
The more (social) you are, the more likely you happy (emotional), which leads to learning better (mental)
The more (social) you are, the more likely you happy (emotional), which increases your chances of embracing the right mindset (mental)
Mental and Emotional wellbeing
This is also one of the inextricable relationships as with the physical wellbeing. The better mental wellbeing you have, the better emotional wellbeing you’ll have and vice versa.
Mindset: The better mindset you have (mental), the Happier you are (emotional), and vice versa.
Productivity: The more productive you are (mental), the happier, and more confident you are (emotional), and vice versa.
Stress Management: The better you are with coping (mental), the happier, and more stable you are (emotional), and vice versa.
Learning: The more you learn and apply (mental), the happier, and more confident you are (emotional), and vice versa.
Mental and Spiritual wellbeing
Like Financial, this is another bi-directional relationship with more on the Causal side of it.
Causal Relation: Mental on Spiritual
Mindset: Choosing the right mindset (mental), increases your chances of fulfilling your life’s purpose, and goals (spiritual)
Productivity: The more productive you are (mental), the more likely you’ll fulfill your life’s purpose and goals (spiritual)
Learning: The more you learn and apply (mental), the more likely you’ll fulfill your life’s purpose and goals (spiritual)
Effect Relation: Spiritual on Mental
The clearer you are with your purpose, values, and goals in life (spiritual), the less likely you’ll have (mental) diseases like depression, anxiety or stress.
- Mental Wellbeing has 2-way relationships with all other Wellbeing dimensions.
- The general relation is that having a better Mental Wellbeing means better thinking, deciding, and doing what’s right
- There are specific “cause and effect” relation between Mental Wellbeing and other dimensions, some of them are quite equal, some of them are more on the causal side, and some are more on the effect side.

1. “Concepts Of Mental And Social Wellbeing”. FPH, 2021, https://www.fph.org.uk/policy-campaigns/special-interest-groups/special-interest-groups-list/public-mental-health-special-interest-group/better-mental-health-for-all/concepts-of-mental-and-social-wellbeing/. Accessed 31 Mar 2021.
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