Mindset is the operating system you install in your mind to control how all programs should work and when to stop working.
You can either have the achiever mindset, a supporting operating system that can get you till the task is done, or you can have the blamer mindset, that one that breaks down after few steps.
Below are 15 original mindset quotes that I use when coaching to get others closer to successes and achieving what they want in life.
My favorites are 3 and 10. What are yours?
1- Achievement is the vehicle to your success, and Mindset is the engine of it.

To be successful at anything, you have to achieve results and win goals. What keeps you running is your mindset.
It’s the engine that keeps the car working till you reach your destination, and it’s important to have the right and functioning engine.
As you know, life is full of bumpy roads, right?
So, what are you going to choose? A 4*4 car engine that can handle tough roads and circumstances, or will you choose a small city car engine that may break after few miles?
2- Success happens with the right mindset. It can be accelerated with proper motivation, but without the right mindset there is no success to begin with

If you’re waiting to be motivated to achieve your goals and be successful, then this quote is for you.
It puts emphasis on having the right mindset rather than seeking motivation. The right mindset is what going to get you started and continue.
Being motivated can get you there faster, but success is a marathon not a sprint, so your best friend is going to be your mindset that can endure the long competition with yourself and others.
3- Achievers focus on themselves. Blamers focus on others

One of my favorite quotes about mindset. When you’re achieving, you’re only focusing on yourself and how you can improve it.
Those with the blamer mindset always focus on the things and persons to blame for their failures.
It’s either the task was too hard, or the weather wasn’t right, or didn’t have enough money, etc.
Having the achiever mindset makes you always focus on what you can do to improve, or what you can learn to succeed, or which skills to have, etc.
Related: 30 Original Quotes For Personal Productivity
4- Thinking is living. Blaming is not.

When you think either to solve a problem or to improve current situation, you contribute to a better life to live.
Blaming on the other hand only contributes to wasted time, energy, and focus. It’s a lost part of your life that you won’t get back.
5- Winning the game is done by thinking how to achieve not what to blame

I’m a big fan of video games and I have a PlayStation that my 2 children and myself play with.
In all the games we play, you only get to the end of it by thinking how to defeat an enemy, or how to get to the other side.
Then it makes you come up with solutions like being faster, or increasing your health, or upgrading your car to be faster, etc.
You will never finish any game and complete its levels by blaming how hard the level is, or how tough the enemy is, or how faster the other cars are.
Same with life. We’ve talked before in the How To Be A Real Winner In Life that life is an infinite game with its many games to win at like the game of health and fitness, or the game of wealth, or the game of happiness, etc
To win in the game of life, you have to think how to achieve, and how to solve your problems, not what or whom to blame.
6- Acquiring new skillset needs the Achiever mindset

Acquiring new skills is an important part in your journey to succeed in life and it takes time, effort and sometimes money.
That’s why it’s important to choose the right mindset for this journey, which is the achiever mindset.
7- Achiever mindset is about the future. Blamer mindset is about the past

Another one of my favorite mindset quotes. If you’re thinking “achieve”, then by default it means you’re focusing on what will happen and all the things you will do.
This is you focusing on and living in the future
If you’re in the “blaming” mode, then obviously it means you’re focused on what tripped you, or what hit you, and all the other things that happened to you already and prevented you from reaching your goal.
This is you focusing on and being stuck in your past.
8- Achieving is self-believing

One of the benefits you get from having the achiever mindset, is believing in yourself and that you can “DO” and “Be” anything you want in life. You just need to decide it.
How the achiever mindset does that is by shifting the focus to yourself and providing you with the thinking tool to solve any problem.
Those are the basic tools you need to achieve anything, and the obvious and logical result when you do achieve, is believing in yourself more and more.
9- Self-doubting, is the blamer mindset fountain

Unlike the achiever mindset, the blamer mindset only provides you with doubting yourself and that you can’t “DO” or “BE” anything you want in life. You’re not meant to have it all.
This is the obvious result when you focus on what others have and you don’t, or what you wish didn’t happen to you.
This leads to a closed and repeated cycle of self-doubting, like a fountain, that causes more and more damage.
10- Achievers are powerful in creating solutions. Blamers are powerful in creating excuses

We touched base on this right! Achievers always think how to solve the problem they’re having and think of ways to improve their current situation.
Blamers on the other hand are skilled in finding reasons why they didn’t achieve their results.
I have met couple of blamers in my life, and I was always surprised of how skilled they are in coming up with excuses for everything and in no time.
11- Those who blame are stuck in the PAST. While those who achieve marsh Towards the FUTURE

We’ve explained this before. When you have the achiever mindset, you always think of things to do for your future so you’re moving ahead.
Blamers on the other side always complain about things happened already and they never move on. That’s why they are going to be stuck in their past.
12- Blame and you won’t win the game

Same as with quote 5
13- You won’t fail unless you blame

In my coaching sessions, I’m fine listening to the other person identifying too many gaps in his or her skillset or mindset and mark them as goals to work on.
I always have a problem with listening to just 1 blame. Just 1 reason why they couldn’t do what they should’ve done
Right then I highlight that not being able to do something isn’t the real failure , it’s their complaint about it.
You’re okay and on the right path if you identify things to work on along the way. The minute you start blaming, is the minute you deviate from the success path towards the failure one.
14- If you’re giving excuses for not finishing the job, your manager will have similar excuses to let you go from the job.

I remember I thought of this quote in my early days as an occupational physician, when I started working with multinational companies.
Early on, I was being asked by my manager to give sessions or present to a number of employees.
Back then, public speaking and presentation skills weren’t part of my skillset. I was as a physician back then in hospitals where no presentations were needed from me.
Because I knew this isn’t part of my daily job description so I will only be getting this request like few times a year, I thought of coming up with excuses to get away.
Things like, I’m not trained enough on this, or I’m not familiar with the purpose of the presentation or the session, or I’ll give a wrong impression on our department so it’s better that someone else does it for the sake of the team.
Sometimes I got away and the other times it was canceled because of other reasons but it hit me..
Whether I was able to cancel it or not, the result was the same. I had this momentarily feeling of relief, but I didn’t work on it.
A year passed by since my first request and it was long enough to take courses or work with someone to improve this skill and I didn’t
Right then I saw it from my manager’s perspective if this is going to be needed in the future. If I kept coming up with excuses to not do or finish the job, then I’m also going to be giving him excuses for giving me poor year end assessment of even worse, letting me go.
15- Achievers are leader, and blamers are followers

When you achieve, you move forward, you come up with solutions, you provide help to others, you get resourceful, you become inspiring and motivating to others, and everyone is looking up for that.
When you blame, you just follow the steps that leaders have walked already.
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