Mind Mapping is a very powerful tool with many benefits and multiple uses provided it’s done correctly. Like any behavior it needs intentional practicing first before it’s under cruise control and can be done naturally.
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This Mind Mapping Notebook will be your personal coach because it has everything you need from quick introduction about mind mapping, its benefits, its uses, how to mind map correctly, examples of real life mind mind maps, templates to practice on, and numerous blank pages to use freely.
I first learned mind mapping in 2017 and I’ve been using it since then in almost every part of my daily life, personally and professionally, and it didn’t seize to impress me. I’m sure you have few questions so let me answer them first for you before you make up your mind.
Why Should You Start Using Mind Mapping In Your Daily Life?
Mind mapping is a different technique than linear technique of writing and this is because it has different advantages that you can make use of once you understand them:
1- Mind Maps give you Freedom:
With Mind Mapping you’re not constrained to the linear thinking and the sequence it forces you to follow. You have to do A then B then C, and if there are sub points, you have to rearrange again to be A, A1, A2, B, B1, B2, B3, C and so on. It’s different in mind mapping as you can write A then C then B then when you remember A1 you put it under A then maybe you remember B1 so you put it under B and so on.
2- Mind Maps are Simple but not easy:
Mind mapping is simple once you really understand its concept, but I have to admit that it’s not easy at first. The right mind mapping is about capturing the essence of the message not writing it word for word and this is the mistake I keep seeing many people do with their mind maps, write the whole thing verbatim.
Once you practice mapping the concept of the message instead of quoting it, mind mapping will become your ultimate weapon in studying, planning, or even note-taking. You will turn any piece of paper into effective mind maps.
That’s why I stressed above about the importance of “practicing” the right mind mapping and that’s my purpose with this Mind Mapping Notebook that I designed.
3- Mind Maps are Evergreen:
What happened when you tried to add a sub point to your already made and ordered list? You had to redo the list or best case scenario, you squeezed it in a small font and I’m sure it messed up your entire numerical order following that point right?!
With Mind Mapping it’s easy to continuously add to your already made mind map using spaces left unless you ran out of space which is very rare unless you had very condensed mapping to do. But even then, you can at least draw an icon representing that point, so there’s always a solution with mind mapping.
4- Mind Maps give you a Bird’s-Eye View:
With linear lists or content it’s easy to be dragged into more than one page which makes it harder to follow through with flipping pages back and forth compared to mind mapping, where it’s usually one page that has everything in it, making it easier to see the whole picture in one glance.
5- Mind Maps are Fun:
Mind Mapping, if done correctly, can lead to a more fun outcome compared to linear content. With mind maps, you have shapes, icons, arrows, colors if possible. I have to confess that linear content could have equal fun outcome if done in a neat and organized way as well. This point is a tie between the two.
6- Mind Maps are Indispensable:
The beautiful thing about mind maps is that you can use them almost with anything as I’ll explain in details in the following questions.
What Can You Use Mind Maps For?
As discussed above, mind maps are really indispensable and can be used in so many areas of your life. Below are the main categories and examples that I personally use mind maps for:
1- Planning
Planning is the almost the main category I use mind maps for because it’s the major part of my life right now in my 9-5 job, this business, and in my personal life projects. Examples of my mind maps for planning are:
- Mind mapping my content
- Mind maps for my presentations at work
- Mind maps for my family travel
- Mapping my kids school vacation with them
- My financial mind map
- My will (sad but true)
2- Note-Taking
This is the second main category where I use mind maps because of my work demands and all the meetings it has. Examples I use mind maps for note taking are:
- Mind mapping meetings. I actually started calling them Mind Maps Of Meetings (MMOM) instead of Minutes Of Meetings (MOM).
- Mind mapping calls or adhoc hallway conversations
- Mind mapping ideas
3- Studying
Third main category I use Mind Maps for and it was competing with Note-taking when I was studying for my master degree in Occupational Medicine because there were a lot of studying. This goes too for any informal “learning” you’re doing. Examples for my studying and learning mind maps are:
- Mind maps for my master degree studying. They were very handy in my exams revision. I only reviewed few pages instead of whole books.
- Mind maps for webinars, seminars related to medicine.
- Mind maps for audiobook I decided to learn.
- Mind maps for courses or certificates.
Should you use a mind mapping notebook?
Personally, in my earlier experience with mind mapping, I used some help from existing mind maps to create mine. I understood the concept of the “central topic” and the “radiating branches”, yet I needed some inspiration when creating my mind maps.
That’s why I believe having a notebook designed specifically for mind maps is hugely beneficial when starting, and also on the long run. First you’ll see some templates ideas to inspire you, and also make use of the blank pages these mind mapping notebooks have because mind maps are better with blank pages than lined ones.
What to look for in a mind mapping notebook?
As a productivity coach and a mind mapping enthusiastic, I recommend looking for the below criteria when looking for a mind mapping notebook to purchase, and yes you are right, I took these into consideration when creating my mind mapping notebook.
1- Wide range of templates to learn from as mind maps could consume the page vertically or horizontally depending on the topic and content you’re mapping. Sometimes, you’ll need to use two opposite pages for large topics.
2- Blank pages because mind maps are better with blank pages to have the freedom to go anywhere in the page and also not be constrained with lines when mind mapping.
3- Good size notebook to provide enough space for mind mapping.
Benefits of this mind mapping notebook
As I stated above, not only I took the criteria you should be looking for in a mind mapping notebook, but also I improved them and added some more benefits as below:
1- Various mind mapping templates:
I included 12 different templates for you to use in practicing and after. You’ll find 6 vertical templates, 5 horizontal templates, and 1 two-paged template.
Not only that, but also I made these templates greyed out so that even when practicing you still have the freedom overwrite it and not be constrained with the already made design I created. In other notebooks, you’ll find these templates in hard black so you’re only limited to use whatever shapes they gave you in specifically the same order.
Also, I intentionally made the template on the left page of the notebook while the right page is left totally white so you can practice creating the same template from scratch yourself and still you have total control over the flow of the mind map.
2- Numerous blank pages:
I strongly believe that mind maps are way more effective in blank pages than lined pages and that’s why you’ll find about 85 blank pages to use freely. Those are totally different blank pages than the ones opposite each template designed for practicing, so you overall, you have even more than 90 blank pages in the whole notebook.
3- Practical sized notebook:
It’s a 6 by 9 inches (152.4 mm X 228.6mm), so it provides enough mind mapping space and also is perfect from a portability point of view as you can easily carry it around in hand or bag.
4- Quick guide on mind mapping:
I took the liberty of squeezing the key points you need to understand or remember about mind mapping in the first few pages along with a solved exercise to test your knowledge before starting the mind mapping journey
5- Note-taking section:
Forgot to or don’t have your note-taking notebook with you? I got you covered. I included 2 pages specifically for note-taking, in case you forgot to or don’t have any note-taking method with you. This is to increase your focus and prevent more distraction.
6- Good value for its cost:
Comparing to other mind mapping notebooks on Amazon, I’m sure you’ll find the cost of my mind mapping notebook relatively lower than them AND with a lot more enhanced features.
Content Of This Mind Mapping Notebook

In this Mind Mapping Notebook you’ll find the below:
- Mind Mapping in a nutshell: 2-page brief introduction about mind mapping, mechanism of action, benefits, and uses.
- How-To Guide: 1 page for how to create effective mind maps with a simple exercise (solved in the following page)
- Templates:
- 12 templates (6 vertical, 5 horizontal, and 1 two-page)
- Opposite page is blank to practice creating same template yourself
- Greyed to give you control over the final look
- Dotted to help you practice by tracing and have fun
- Blank Pages: 85 blank pages to freely design your mind maps
- Note-Taking section: On the flip side of the notebook to help you stay in the flow of mind mapping by writing down notes coming your way if you don’t have your “note taking” tool with you

Let’s Mind Map?